Source code for pytezos.rpc.helpers

from pytezos.rpc.query import RpcQuery

[docs]class BakingRightsQuery(RpcQuery, path='/chains/{}/blocks/{}/helpers/baking_rights'):
[docs] def __call__(self, level=None, cycle=None, delegate=None, max_priority=None, _all=None): """Retrieve the list of delegates allowed to bake a block. By default, it gives the best baking priorities for bakers that have at least one opportunity below the 64th priority for the next block. :param level: Specify the (valid) level in the past or future at which the baking rights have to be returned. :param cycle: Specify the (valid) levels in the past or future at which the baking rights have to be returned. :param delegate: Restrict the results to the given delegates. :param max_priority: :param _all: If parameter `all` is set, all the baking opportunities for each baker at each level are returned, instead of just the first one. :returns: Returns the list of baking slots. Also returns the minimal timestamps that correspond to these slots. The timestamps are omitted for levels in the past, and are only estimates for levels later that the next block, based on the hypothesis that all predecessor blocks were baked at the first priority. """ return self._get( params={ 'level': level, 'cycle': cycle, 'delegate': delegate, 'max_priority': max_priority, 'all': _all, } )
[docs]class ForgeOperationsQuery(RpcQuery, path='/chains/{}/blocks/{}/helpers/forge/operations'):
[docs] def post(self, operation): """Get raw bytes encoding of an unsigned operation operation format: .. code-block:: python { "branch": <block hash>, "contents": [{ <operation_content> }] } :param operation: JSON input :returns: Hex string """ return self._post(json=operation)
[docs]class ForgeProtocolDataQuery(RpcQuery, path='/chains/{}/blocks/{}/helpers/forge/protocol_data'):
[docs] def post(self, protocol_data): """Forge the protocol-specific part of a block header. protocol_data format: .. code-block:: python { "priority": <integer>, "nonce_hash": <Base58 nonce hash>, // optional "proof_of_work_nonce": <hex encoded> // optional } :param protocol_data: JSON input :returns: { "protocol_data": <hex encoded> } """ return self._post(json=protocol_data)
[docs]class ForgeBlockHeaderQuery(RpcQuery, path='/chains/{}/blocks/{}/helpers/forge_block_header'):
[docs] def post(self, block_header): """Forge block header. block_header format: .. code-block:: python { "level": <integer>, "proto": <integer>, "predecessor": <block hash>, "timestamp": <timestamp>, "validation_pass": <integer>, "operations_hash": <Operation_list_list_hash>, "fitness": <integer (hex)>, "context": <Context_hash>, "protocol_data": <hex encoded> } :param block_header: JSON input :returns: { "block": <hex encoded> } """ return self._post(json=block_header)
[docs]class ParseBlockQuery(RpcQuery, path='/chains/{}/blocks/{}/helpers/parse/block'):
[docs] def post(self, block_header): """Retrieve protocol-specific part of a block header and signature. block_header format: .. code-block:: python { "level": <integer>, "proto": <integer>, "predecessor": <block hash>, "timestamp": <timestamp>, "validation_pass": <integer>, "operations_hash": <Operation_list_list_hash>, "fitness": <integer (hex)>, "context": <Context_hash>, "protocol_data": <hex encoded> } :param block_header: JSON input :returns: JSON object """ return self._post(json=block_header)
[docs]class ParseOperationsQuery(RpcQuery, path='/chains/{}/blocks/{}/helpers/parse/operations'):
[docs] def post(self, operations): """Extract contents and signatures from the forged and optionally signed operations (bulk). operations format: .. code-block:: python { "operations": [ { "branch": <block_hash>, "data": <hex encoded> } ... ], "check_signature": <boolean> // optional } :param operations: JSON input :returns: JSON object """ return self._post(json=operations)
[docs]class PreapplyBlockQuery(RpcQuery, path='/chains/{}/blocks/{}/helpers/preapply/block'):
[docs] def post(self, block, sort=None, timestamp=None): """Simulate the validation of a block that would contain the given operations and return the resulting fitness and context hash. block format: .. code-block:: python { "protocol_data": { "protocol": "Pt24m4xiPbLDhVgVfABUjirbmda3yohdN82Sp9FeuAXJ4eV9otd", "priority": <integer>, "proof_of_work_nonce": <hex encoded> "seed_nonce_hash": <Base58 encoded>, // optional "signature": <Base58 encoded> }, "operations": [ [ { "protocol": "Pt24m4xiPbLDhVgVfABUjirbmda3yohdN82Sp9FeuAXJ4eV9otd", "branch": <block_hash>, "contents": [ {} ... ], // kind-specific "signature": <Base58 encoded> }... ] ... ] } :param block: JSON input :param sort: by what? :param timestamp: timestamp :returns: JSON object """ return self._post( json=block, params={ 'sort': sort, 'timestamp': timestamp, }, )
[docs]class PreapplyOperationsQuery(RpcQuery, path='/chains/{}/blocks/{}/helpers/preapply/operations'):
[docs] def post(self, operations): """Simulate the validation of operation(s). operations format: .. code-block:: python [{ "protocol": "Pt24m4xiPbLDhVgVfABUjirbmda3yohdN82Sp9FeuAXJ4eV9otd", "branch": <block_hash>, "contents": [ {} ... ], // kind-specific "signature": <Base58 encoded> }] :param operations: JSON input :returns: JSON array (operations with metadata) """ return self._post(json=operations)
[docs]class ScriptsEntrypoint(RpcQuery, path='/chains/{}/blocks/{}/helpers/scripts/entrypoint'):
[docs] def post(self, script, entrypoint=None): """Return the type of the given entrypoint. :param script: Micheline expression :param entrypoint: Name of the entrypoint (leave None if there's only one) """ payload = {'script': script} if entrypoint: payload['entrypoint'] = entrypoint return self._post(payload)
[docs]class ScriptsEntrypoints(RpcQuery, path='/chains/{}/blocks/{}/helpers/scripts/entrypoints'):
[docs] def post(self, script): """Return the list of entrypoints of the given script. :param script: Micheline expression """ return self._post({'script': script})
[docs]class ScriptsPackDataQuery(RpcQuery, path='/chains/{}/blocks/{}/helpers/scripts/pack_data'):
[docs] def post(self, expression): """Compute the serialized version of some data expression using the same algorithm as script instruction PACK. expression format: .. code-block:: python { "data": <michelson expression>, "type": <michelson expression>, "gas": <bignum> // optional } :param expression: JSON input :returns: Packed data (hex encoded) """ return self._post(json=expression)
[docs]class ScriptsRunCodeQuery(RpcQuery, path='/chains/{}/blocks/{}/helpers/scripts/run_code'):
[docs] def post(self, invocation): """Run a piece of code in the current context. invocation format: .. code-block:: python { "script": <michelson expression>, "storage": <michelson expression>, "entrypoint": <string>, "input": <michelson expression>, "chain_id": <base58 encoded>, "amount": <mutez>, "source": <account address>, // optional "payer": <account address>, // optional "gas": <bignum> // optional } :param invocation: JSON input :returns: Resulting storage, spawned operations, and bigmap diff """ return self._post(json=invocation)
[docs]class ScriptsRunScriptViewQuery(RpcQuery, path='/chains/{}/blocks/{}/helpers/scripts/run_script_view'):
[docs] def post(self, invocation): """Simulate a call to a michelson view invocation format: .. code-block:: python { "contract": <address>, "view": <string>, "input": <michelson expression>, "unlimited_gas": <boolean>, "chain_id": <base58 encoded>, "source": <account address>, // optional "payer": <account address>, // optional "gas": <bignum>, // optional "unparsing_mode": <Readable | Optimized | Optimized_legacy>, "now": <integer>, // optional "level": <integer>, // optional } :param invocation: JSON input :returns: Resulting storage, spawned operations, and bigmap diff """ return self._post(json=invocation)
[docs]class ScriptsRunOperationQuery(RpcQuery, path='/chains/{}/blocks/{}/helpers/scripts/run_operation'):
[docs] def post(self, operation): """Run an operation without signature checks. operation format: .. code-block:: python { "branch": <block_hash>, "contents": [ {} ... ], // kind-specific "signature": <Base58 encoded> } :param operation: JSON input :returns: JSON object (operation with metadata) """ return self._post(json=operation)
[docs]class ScriptsTraceCodeQuery(RpcQuery, path='/chains/{}/blocks/{}/helpers/scripts/trace_code'):
[docs] def post(self, invocation): """Run a piece of code in the current context, keeping a trace. invocation format: .. code-block:: python { "script": <michelson expression>, "storage": <michelson expression>, "entrypoint": <string>, "input": <michelson expression>, "chain_id": <base58 encoded>, "amount": <mutez>, "source": <account address>, // optional "payer": <account address>, // optional "gas": <bignum> // optional } :param invocation: JSON input :returns: Resulting storage, spawned operations, bigmap diff, and trace """ return self._post(json=invocation)
[docs]class ScriptsTypecheckCodeQuery(RpcQuery, path='/chains/{}/blocks/{}/helpers/scripts/typecheck_code'):
[docs] def post(self, expression): """Check that some data expression is well formed and of a given type in the current context. expression format: .. code-block:: python { "program": <michelson expression>, "gas": <bignum> // optional } :param expression: JSON input :returns: JSON object """ return self._post(json=expression)
[docs]class ScriptsTypecheckDataQuery(RpcQuery, path='/chains/{}/blocks/{}/helpers/scripts/typecheck_data'):
[docs] def post(self, expression): """Check that some data expression is well formed and of a given type in the current context. expression format: .. code-block:: python { "data": <michelson expression>, "type": <michelson expression>, "gas": <bignum> // optional } :param expression: JSON input :returns: JSON object """ return self._post(json=expression)