Source code for pytezos.operation.result

import functools
import math
import operator
from math import ceil
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import Iterator
from typing import List

from pytezos.rpc.errors import RpcError

[docs]class OperationResult: """Operation result representation + useful parsing helpers for operation group""" def __init__(self, **props): self.props = props for key, value in props.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def __repr__(self): res = [ super(OperationResult, self).__repr__(), '\nProperties', *list(map(lambda x: f'.{x}', self.props)), ] return '\n'.join(res)
[docs] @staticmethod def iter_contents(operation_group: Dict[str, Any]) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Lazily iterate operation group contents including internal operations. :param operation_group: {"branch": "B...", "contents": [...], ...} \ OR a single content {"kind": "transaction", ...} :returns: generator """ contents = operation_group.get('contents', [operation_group]) for content in contents: yield {'internal': False, **content} internal_operation_results = content.get('metadata', {}).get('internal_operation_results', []) for result in internal_operation_results: yield {'internal': True, **result}
[docs] @staticmethod def iter_results(operation_group: Dict[str, Any]) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Lazily iterate operation results including internal operation results. :param operation_group: {"branch": "B...", "contents": [...], ...} \ OR a single content {"kind": "transaction", ...} :returns: generator """ for content in OperationResult.iter_contents(operation_group): if content['internal'] and content.get('result'): yield content['result'] elif not content['internal'] and content.get('metadata', {}).get('operation_result'): yield content['metadata']['operation_result']
[docs] @staticmethod def consumed_gas(operation_group: Dict[str, Any]) -> int: """ Get total consumed gas for an operation group (recursively). :param operation_group: {"branch": "B...", "contents": [...], ...} \ OR a single content {"kind": "transaction", ...} """ return sum( map( lambda x: math.ceil(int(x.get('consumed_milligas', '0')) / 1000), OperationResult.iter_results(operation_group), ), )
[docs] @staticmethod def paid_storage_size_diff(operation_group: Dict[str, Any]) -> int: """ Get total paid storage size diff for an operation group (recursively). :param operation_group: {"branch": "B...", "contents": [...], ...} \ OR a single content {"kind": "transaction", ...} """ return sum( map( lambda x: int(x.get('paid_storage_size_diff', '0')), OperationResult.iter_results(operation_group), ), )
[docs] @staticmethod def burned(operation_group: Dict[str, Any]) -> int: """ Get total burned (due to account allocations) for an operation group (recursively). :param operation_group: {"branch": "B...", "contents": [...], ...} \ OR a single content {"kind": "transaction", ...} """ return sum( map( lambda x: 257 if x.get('allocated_destination_contract') or x.get('originated_contracts') else 0, OperationResult.iter_results(operation_group), ) )
[docs] @staticmethod def is_applied(operation_group: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: """ Check if ALL operations in a group are applied. :param operation_group: {"branch": "B...", "contents": [...], ...} \ OR a single content {"kind": "transaction", ...} """ return all(map(lambda x: x['status'] == 'applied', OperationResult.iter_results(operation_group)))
[docs] @staticmethod def errors(operation_group: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Collect errors from all operation results in a group. :param operation_group: {"branch": "B...", "contents": [...], ...} \ OR a single content {"kind": "transaction", ...} :returns: list of errors [{"id": "", ...}] """ all_errors = ( result.get("errors", []) if result["status"] != "applied" else [] for result in OperationResult.iter_results(operation_group) ) return functools.reduce(operator.iconcat, all_errors, [])
[docs] @staticmethod def originated_contracts(operation_group: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]: """ Collect originated contract addresses from all operation results in a group. :param operation_group: {"branch": "B...", "contents": [...], ...} \ OR a single content {"kind": "transaction", ...} :returns: list of addresses ["tz12345...", ...] """ originated_contracts = [] for result in OperationResult.iter_results(operation_group): originated_contracts.extend(result.get('originated_contracts', [])) return originated_contracts
[docs] @staticmethod def get_contents(operation_group: Dict[str, Any], **predicates) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: def match(x): return all(map(lambda pred: x.get(pred[0]) == pred[1], predicates.items())) if not predicates: return operation_group['contents'] else: return list(filter(match, OperationResult.iter_contents(operation_group)))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_result(content: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: if content.get('metadata'): return content['metadata']['operation_result'] elif content.get('result'): return content['result'] else: raise AssertionError(content)
[docs] @classmethod def from_operation_group(cls, operation_group: Dict[str, Any], **predicates) -> List['OperationResult']: """ Initialize with operation group contents. :param operation_group: operation_group: {"branch": "B...", "contents": [...], ...} \ :param predicates: filter contents using predicates `field=value` :rtype: List[OperationResult] """ if not cls.is_applied(operation_group): raise RpcError.from_errors(cls.errors(operation_group)) def dispatch(content): if content['kind'] == 'transaction': return cls.from_transaction(content) elif content['kind'] == 'origination': return cls.from_origination(content) else: return content contents = cls.get_contents(operation_group, **predicates) return list(map(dispatch, contents))
[docs] @classmethod def from_origination(cls, content: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'OperationResult': """Initialize with origination content. :param content: :rtype: OperationResult """ operation_result = cls.get_result(content) return cls( storage=content['script']['storage'], originated_contracts=operation_result['originated_contracts'], )
[docs] @classmethod def from_transaction(cls, content: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'OperationResult': """Initialize with transaction content. :param content: :rtype: OperationResult """ operation_result = cls.get_result(content) return cls( parameters=content.get('parameters'), storage=operation_result.get('storage'), lazy_diff=operation_result.get('lazy_storage_diff', []), # TODO: if it is already an internal operation, we should think... (build a tree?) operations=cls.get_contents(content, source=content['destination']), )