Source code for

from pprint import pformat
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union

from deprecation import deprecated  # type: ignore

from pytezos.context.impl import ExecutionContext
from pytezos.context.mixin import ContextMixin
from pytezos.crypto.encoding import base58_decode
from pytezos.crypto.encoding import base58_encode
from pytezos.crypto.encoding import is_bh
from pytezos.crypto.key import blake2b_32
from pytezos.jupyter import get_class_docstring
from pytezos.logging import logger
from pytezos.michelson.forge import forge_base58
from pytezos.operation import DEFAULT_BURN_RESERVE
from pytezos.operation import DEFAULT_GAS_RESERVE
from pytezos.operation import MAX_OPERATIONS_TTL
from pytezos.operation.content import ContentMixin
from pytezos.operation.fees import calculate_fee
from pytezos.operation.fees import default_fee
from pytezos.operation.fees import default_gas_limit
from pytezos.operation.fees import default_storage_limit
from pytezos.operation.forge import forge_operation_group
from pytezos.operation.result import OperationResult
from pytezos.rpc.errors import RpcError
from pytezos.rpc.kind import validation_passes

[docs]class OperationGroup(ContextMixin, ContentMixin): """Operation group representation: contents (single or multiple), signature, other fields, and also useful helpers for filling with precise fees, signing, forging, and injecting. """ def __init__( self, context: ExecutionContext, contents: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, protocol: Optional[str] = None, chain_id: Optional[str] = None, branch: Optional[str] = None, signature: Optional[str] = None, opg_hash: Optional[str] = None, opg_result: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__(context=context) self.contents = contents or [] self.protocol = protocol self.chain_id = chain_id self.branch = branch self.signature = signature self.opg_hash = opg_hash self.opg_result = opg_result def __repr__(self) -> str: res = [ super().__repr__(), '\nPayload', pformat(self.json_payload()), '\nHash', self.opg_hash or '(Not sent)' '\nHelpers', get_class_docstring(self.__class__), ] return '\n'.join(res) def _spawn(self, **kwargs) -> 'OperationGroup': return OperationGroup( context=self.context, contents=kwargs.get('contents', self.contents.copy()), protocol=kwargs.get('protocol', self.protocol), chain_id=kwargs.get('chain_id', self.chain_id), branch=kwargs.get('branch', self.branch), signature=kwargs.get('signature', self.signature), opg_hash=kwargs.get('opg_hash', self.opg_hash), opg_result=kwargs.get('opg_result', self.opg_result), )
[docs] def json_payload(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get JSON payload used for the injection.""" return { 'protocol': self.protocol, 'branch': self.branch, 'contents': self.contents, 'signature': self.signature, }
[docs] def binary_payload(self) -> bytes: """Get binary payload used for injection/hash calculation.""" if not self.signature: raise ValueError('Not signed') return bytes.fromhex(self.forge()) + forge_base58(self.signature)
[docs] def operation(self, content: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'OperationGroup': """Create new operation group with extra content added. :param content: Kind-specific operation body :rtype: OperationGroup """ return self._spawn(contents=self.contents + [content])
[docs] def fill( self, counter: Optional[int] = None, ttl: Optional[int] = None, gas_limit: Optional[int] = None, storage_limit: Optional[int] = None, minimal_nanotez_per_gas_unit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> 'OperationGroup': """Try to fill all fields left unfilled, use approximate fees (not optimal, use `autofill` to simulate operation and get precise values). :param counter: Override counter value (for manual handling) :param ttl: Number of blocks to wait in the mempool before removal (default is 5 for public network, MAX for sandbox), -1 for MAX (if you have a private network and issues with block RPC queries) :param gas_limit: Override gas_limit value (for manual handling) :param storage_limit: Override storage_limit value (for manual handling) :param minimal_nanotez_per_gas_unit: Override minimal_nanotez_per_gas_unit constant (for manual handling) :rtype: OperationGroup """ if kwargs.get('branch_offset') is not None: logger.warning('`branch_offset` argument is deprecated, use `ttl` instead') ttl = MAX_OPERATIONS_TTL - kwargs['branch_offset'] if ttl is None: ttl = self.context.get_operations_ttl() elif ttl == -1: ttl = MAX_OPERATIONS_TTL if not 0 < ttl <= MAX_OPERATIONS_TTL: raise Exception(f'`ttl` has to be in range (0, {MAX_OPERATIONS_TTL}]') chain_id = self.chain_id or self.context.get_chain_id() protocol = self.protocol or self.context.get_protocol() branch = self.branch or[f'head~{MAX_OPERATIONS_TTL - ttl}'].hash() source = self.key.public_key_hash() constants = if counter is not None: self.context.set_counter(counter - 1) # which is supposedly the current state (head) if gas_limit is None: hard_gas_limit_per_content = int(constants['hard_gas_limit_per_operation']) // len(self.contents) else: hard_gas_limit_per_content = gas_limit // len(self.contents) if storage_limit is None: hard_storage_limit_per_content = int(constants['hard_storage_limit_per_operation']) // len(self.contents) else: hard_storage_limit_per_content = storage_limit // len(self.contents) replace_map = { 'pkh': source, 'source': source, 'delegate': source, # self registration 'counter': lambda i, x: str(self.context.get_counter()), 'secret': lambda i, x: self.key.activation_code, 'period': lambda i, x: str(, 'public_key': lambda i, x: self.key.public_key(), 'gas_limit': lambda i, x: str( min( hard_gas_limit_per_content, gas_limit if gas_limit is not None else default_gas_limit(x, constants), ) ), 'storage_limit': lambda i, x: str( min( hard_storage_limit_per_content, storage_limit if storage_limit is not None else default_storage_limit(x, constants), ) ), 'fee': lambda i, x: str(default_fee(x, gas_limit, minimal_nanotez_per_gas_unit) if i == 0 else 0), } def fill_content(idx, content): content = content.copy() for k, v in replace_map.items(): if content.get(k) in ['', '0']: content[k] = v(idx, content) if callable(v) else v return content return self._spawn( contents=[fill_content(idx=i, content=x) for i, x in enumerate(self.contents)], protocol=protocol, chain_id=chain_id, branch=branch, )
[docs] def run(self, block_id: str = 'head'): """Simulate operation without signature checks. :param block_id: Specify a level at which this operation should be applied (default is head) :returns: RPC response from `run_operation` """ return[block_id] { 'operation': { 'branch': self.branch, 'contents': self.contents, 'signature': base58_encode(b'0' * 64, b'sig').decode(), }, 'chain_id': self.chain_id, } )
[docs] def forge(self, validate=False) -> str: """Convert json representation of the operation group into bytes. :param validate: Forge remotely also and compare results, default is False :returns: Hex string """ payload = { 'branch': self.branch, 'contents': self.contents, } local_data = forge_operation_group(payload).hex() if validate: remote_data =[self.branch] if local_data != remote_data: raise ValueError(f'Local forge result differs from remote one:\n\n{local_data}\n\n{remote_data}') return local_data
[docs] def message(self, block: Union[str, int] = 'genesis') -> bytes: """Get payload for the failing noop operation :param block: Specify operation branch (default is genesis) :returns: Message bytes """ if len(self.contents) != 1 or self.contents[0]['kind'] != 'failing_noop': raise NotImplementedError('Use for signing messages only') branch = block if is_bh(str(block)) else[block].hash() return b'\x03' + bytes.fromhex(self._spawn(branch=branch).forge())
[docs] def autofill( self, gas_reserve: int = DEFAULT_GAS_RESERVE, burn_reserve: int = DEFAULT_BURN_RESERVE, counter: Optional[int] = None, ttl: Optional[int] = None, fee: Optional[int] = None, gas_limit: Optional[int] = None, storage_limit: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs, ) -> 'OperationGroup': """Fill the gaps and then simulate the operation in order to calculate fee, gas/storage limits. :param gas_reserve: Add a safe reserve for dynamically calculated gas limit (default is 100). :param burn_reserve: Add a safe reserve for dynamically calculated storage limit (default is 100). :param counter: Override counter value (for manual handling) :param ttl: Number of blocks to wait in the mempool before removal (default is 5 for public network, 60 for sandbox) :param fee: Explicitly set fee for operation. If not set fee will be calculated depending on results of operation dry-run. :param gas_limit: Explicitly set gas limit for operation. If not set gas limit will be calculated depending on results of operation dry-run. In case of batch will be evenly split between operations. :param storage_limit: Explicitly set storage limit for operation. If not set storage limit will be calculated depending on results of operation dry-run. In case of batch will be evenly split between operations. :rtype: OperationGroup """ if kwargs.get('branch_offset') is not None: logger.warning('`branch_offset` argument is deprecated, use `ttl` instead') ttl = MAX_OPERATIONS_TTL - kwargs['branch_offset'] opg = self.fill(counter=counter, ttl=ttl) opg_with_metadata = if not OperationResult.is_applied(opg_with_metadata): raise RpcError.from_errors(OperationResult.errors(opg_with_metadata)) fee_acc = 0 extra_size = 32 + 64 # size of serialized branch and signature + safe reserve num_contents = len(opg_with_metadata['contents']) counter_offset = self.context.get_counter_offset() opg.contents.clear() for content in opg_with_metadata['contents']: if validation_passes[content['kind']] == 3: if gas_limit is not None: gas_limit_new = gas_limit // num_contents else: gas_limit_new = OperationResult.consumed_gas(content) if content['kind'] in ['origination', 'transaction']: gas_limit_new += gas_reserve if storage_limit is not None: storage_limit_new = storage_limit // num_contents else: paid_storage_size_diff = OperationResult.paid_storage_size_diff(content) burned = OperationResult.burned(content) storage_limit_new = paid_storage_size_diff + burned if content['kind'] in ['origination', 'transaction']: storage_limit_new += burn_reserve current_counter = int(content['counter']) content.update( counter=str(current_counter + counter_offset), gas_limit=str(gas_limit_new), storage_limit=str(storage_limit_new), fee='0', ) fee_acc += calculate_fee(content, gas_limit_new, extra_size=1 + extra_size // num_contents) content.pop('metadata') logger.debug("autofilled transaction content: %s" % content) opg.contents.append(content) if fee or fee_acc: opg.contents[0]['fee'] = str(fee if fee is not None else fee_acc) return opg
[docs] def sign(self) -> 'OperationGroup': """Sign the operation group with the key specified by `using`. :rtype: OperationGroup """ validation_pass = validation_passes[self.contents[0]['kind']] if any(map(lambda x: validation_passes[x['kind']] != validation_pass, self.contents)): raise ValueError('Mixed validation passes') if validation_pass == 0: if self.chain_id is None: raise ValueError('Chain ID is undefined, run .fill first') watermark = b'\x02' + base58_decode(self.chain_id.encode()) else: watermark = b'\x03' message = watermark + bytes.fromhex(self.forge()) signature = self.key.sign(message=message, generic=True) return self._spawn(signature=signature)
[docs] def hash(self) -> str: """Calculate the Base58 encoded operation group hash.""" hash_digest = blake2b_32(self.binary_payload()).digest() return base58_encode(hash_digest, b'o').decode()
[docs] def run_operation(self, block_id: str = 'head'): """Simulate operation without signature checks. :param block_id: Specify a level at which this operation should be applied (default is head) :returns: RPC response from `run_operation` """ return
[docs] @deprecated(deprecated_in='3.1.0', removed_in='4.0.0', details='use `run_operation()` instead') def preapply(self): """Preapply signed operation group. :returns: RPC response from `preapply` """ if not self.signature: raise ValueError('Not signed') return self.run_operation()
[docs] def send( self, gas_reserve: int = DEFAULT_GAS_RESERVE, burn_reserve: int = DEFAULT_BURN_RESERVE, min_confirmations: int = 0, ttl: Optional[int] = None, ) -> 'OperationGroup': """ :param gas_reserve: Add a safe reserve for dynamically calculated gas limit (default is 100). :param burn_reserve: Add a safe reserve for dynamically calculated storage limit (default is 100). :param min_confirmations: number of block injections to wait for before returning (default is 0, i.e. async mode) :param ttl: Number of blocks to wait in the mempool before removal (default is 5 for public network, 60 for sandbox) :return: OperationGroup with hash filled """ if ttl is None: ttl = self.context.get_operations_ttl() opg = self.autofill(gas_reserve=gas_reserve, burn_reserve=burn_reserve, ttl=ttl).sign() res = opg.inject(min_confirmations=min_confirmations, num_blocks_wait=ttl) return opg._spawn(opg_hash=res['hash'], opg_result=res)
[docs] def send_async( self, ttl: int, counter: int, gas_limit: int, storage_limit: int, minimal_nanotez_per_gas_unit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> 'OperationGroup': """ Send operation without simulation or pre-validation :param ttl: Number of blocks to wait in the mempool before removal (default is 5 for public network, 60 for sandbox) :param counter: Set counter value :param gas_limit: Set gas_limit value :param storage_limit: Set storage_limit value :param minimal_nanotez_per_gas_unit: Override minimal_nanotez_per_gas_unit constant :rtype: OperationGroup """ opg = self.fill( counter=counter, ttl=ttl, gas_limit=gas_limit, storage_limit=storage_limit, minimal_nanotez_per_gas_unit=minimal_nanotez_per_gas_unit, ).sign() res = opg.inject(prevalidate=False) return opg._spawn(opg_hash=res['hash'])
[docs] def inject( self, check_result: bool = True, num_blocks_wait: int = 5, time_between_blocks: Optional[int] = None, block_timeout: Optional[int] = None, min_confirmations: int = 0, prevalidate: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """Inject the signed operation group. :param check_result: raise RpcError in case operation is applied but has runtime errors :param num_blocks_wait: number of blocks to wait for injection :param time_between_blocks: override the corresponding parameter from constants :param block_timeout: set block timeout (by default Pytezos will wait for a long time) :param min_confirmations: number of block injections to wait for before returning :param prevalidate: ask node to pre-validate the operation before the injection (True by default) :returns: operation group with metadata (raw RPC response) """ self.context.reset() # reset counter opg_hash = operation=self.binary_payload(), _async=not prevalidate, ) if min_confirmations == 0: return { 'chain_id': self.chain_id, 'hash': opg_hash, **self.json_payload(), } operations = opg_hashes=[opg_hash], ttl=num_blocks_wait, min_confirmations=min_confirmations, time_between_blocks=time_between_blocks, block_timeout=block_timeout, ) assert len(operations) == 1 if check_result: if not OperationResult.is_applied(operations[0]): raise RpcError.from_errors(OperationResult.errors(operations[0])) return operations[0]
[docs] @deprecated(deprecated_in='3.1.0', removed_in='4.0.0', details='use `run_operation()` instead') def result(self) -> List[OperationResult]: """Parse the preapply result. :rtype: List[OperationResult] """ return OperationResult.from_operation_group(self.preapply())