Source code for pytezos.operation.fees

from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import Optional

from pytezos.operation.forge import forge_operation

    'hard_gas_limit_per_operation': 1040000,
    'hard_storage_limit_per_operation': 60000,
# FIXME: Guessed for sandbox tests to pass

[docs]def calculate_fee( content: Dict[str, Any], consumed_gas: int, extra_size: int, reserve=10, minimal_nanotez_per_gas_unit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> int: """Calculate minimal required operation fee. :param content: operation content {..., "kind": "transaction", ... } :param consumed_gas: amount of gas consumed during the simulation (dry-run) :param extra_size: size of the additional operation data (branch, etc) :param reserve: safe reserve, just in case """ size = len(forge_operation(content)) + extra_size if minimal_nanotez_per_gas_unit is None: minimal_nanotez_per_gas_unit = int(MINIMAL_MUTEZ_PER_GAS_UNIT * 1000) fee = MINIMAL_FEES + MINIMAL_MUTEZ_PER_BYTE * size + int(minimal_nanotez_per_gas_unit * consumed_gas / 1000) return fee + reserve
[docs]def default_fee( content: Dict[str, Any], gas_limit: Optional[int] = None, minimal_nanotez_per_gas_unit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> int: """Take hard gas limit instead of precise amount (no simulation) and calculate fee. :param content: operation content {..., "kind": "transaction", ... } """ return calculate_fee( content=content, consumed_gas=gas_limit if gas_limit is not None else default_gas_limit(content), extra_size=32 + 64 + 3 * 3, # branch, signature, fee:gas_limit:storage_limit mutez values (+3 bytes) minimal_nanotez_per_gas_unit=minimal_nanotez_per_gas_unit, )
[docs]def default_gas_limit( content: Dict[str, Any], constants: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> int: """Get default gas limit by operation kind. :param content: operation content {..., "kind": "transaction", ... } :param constants: constants block from context """ if constants is None: constants = DEFAULT_CONSTANTS values: Dict[str, int] = { 'reveal': {'tz1': 176, 'tz2': 162, 'tz3': 1101, 'tz4': 1681}[content['source'][:3]], 'delegation': 1000, 'origination': int(constants['hard_gas_limit_per_operation']), 'transaction': ( int(constants['hard_gas_limit_per_operation']) if content.get('destination', '').startswith('KT') else DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_GAS_LIMIT ), 'register_global_constant': int(constants['hard_gas_limit_per_operation']), 'transfer_ticket': int(constants['hard_gas_limit_per_operation']), 'smart_rollup_add_messages': int(constants['hard_gas_limit_per_operation']), 'smart_rollup_execute_outbox_message': int(constants['hard_gas_limit_per_operation']), } return values[content['kind']]
[docs]def default_storage_limit( content, constants: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> int: """Get default storage limit by operation kind. :param content: operation content {..., "kind": "transaction", ... } :param constants: constants block from context """ if constants is None: constants = DEFAULT_CONSTANTS values: Dict[str, int] = { 'reveal': 0, 'delegation': 0, 'origination': int(constants['hard_storage_limit_per_operation']), 'transaction': ( int(constants['hard_storage_limit_per_operation']) if content.get('destination', '').startswith('KT') else DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_STORAGE_LIMIT ), 'register_global_constant': int(constants['hard_storage_limit_per_operation']), 'transfer_ticket': int(constants['hard_storage_limit_per_operation']), 'smart_rollup_add_messages': int(constants['hard_storage_limit_per_operation']), 'smart_rollup_execute_outbox_message': int(constants['hard_storage_limit_per_operation']), } return values[content['kind']]