Source code for pytezos.michelson.sections.parameter

from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Type
from typing import Union
from typing import cast

from pytezos.context.abstract import AbstractContext
from pytezos.michelson.micheline import Micheline
from pytezos.michelson.micheline import MichelsonRuntimeError
from pytezos.michelson.types import OrType
from pytezos.michelson.types.adt import wrap_or
from pytezos.michelson.types.adt import wrap_parameters
from pytezos.michelson.types.base import MichelsonType
from pytezos.michelson.types.base import parse_name
from pytezos.michelson.types.core import Unit

[docs]class ParameterSection(Micheline, prim='parameter', args_len=1): args: List[Type[MichelsonType]] # type: ignore root_name: str def __init__(self, item: MichelsonType): super().__init__() self.item = item def __repr__(self): return repr(self.item)
[docs] @staticmethod def match(type_expr) -> Type['ParameterSection']: try: cls = Micheline.match(type_expr) if not issubclass(cls, ParameterSection): cls = ParameterSection.create_type(args=[cls]) except Exception as e: raise MichelsonRuntimeError('parameter', *e.args) from e return cls
[docs] @classmethod def create_type( cls, args: List[Union[Type['Micheline'], Any]], annots: Optional[list] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Type['ParameterSection']: assert not annots, 'top level parameter annotations not supported' root_type = cast(Type[MichelsonType], args[0]) if issubclass(root_type, OrType): root_name = root_type.field_name # type: ignore if not root_name: flat_args = root_type.get_flat_args(entrypoints=True) # type: ignore assert isinstance(flat_args, dict), f'expected a named type, got {flat_args}' root_name = 'root' if 'default' in flat_args else 'default' else: root_name = root_type.field_name or 'default' res = type(cls.__name__, (cls,), dict(args=args, root_name=root_name, **kwargs)) return cast(Type['ParameterSection'], res)
[docs] @classmethod def execute(cls, stack, stdout: List[str], context: AbstractContext): context.set_parameter_expr(cls.as_micheline_expr()) stdout.append(f'parameter: updated')
[docs] @classmethod def list_entrypoints(cls) -> Dict[str, Type[MichelsonType]]: entrypoints = {} root_type = cls.args[0] if issubclass(root_type, OrType): flat_args = root_type.get_flat_args(entrypoints=True) assert isinstance(flat_args, dict), f'expected dict of named entrypoints' for name, arg in flat_args.items(): entrypoints[name] = arg.get_anon_type() entrypoints[cls.root_name] = root_type return entrypoints
[docs] @classmethod def from_parameters(cls, parameters: Dict[str, Any]) -> 'ParameterSection': if len(parameters) == 0: parameters = {'entrypoint': 'default', 'value': {'prim': 'Unit'}} assert isinstance(parameters, dict) and parameters.keys() == { 'entrypoint', 'value', }, f'expected {{entrypoint, value}}, got {parameters}' entrypoint = parameters['entrypoint'] if entrypoint == cls.root_name: res = cls.from_micheline_value(parameters['value']) return cast(ParameterSection, res) else: root_type = cls.args[0] assert issubclass(root_type, OrType), f'expected `{cls.root_name}`, got `{entrypoint}`' _, key_to_path, _ = root_type.get_type_layout(entrypoints=True) assert entrypoint in key_to_path, f'unexpected entrypoint `{entrypoint}`' # type: ignore val_expr = wrap_parameters(parameters['value'], key_to_path[entrypoint]) # type: ignore item = root_type.from_micheline_value(val_expr) return cls(item)
[docs] def to_parameters(self, mode='readable') -> Dict[str, Any]: entrypoint, item = self.root_name, self.item if isinstance(self.item, OrType): flat_values = self.item.get_flat_values(entrypoints=True) assert isinstance(flat_values, dict) and len(flat_values) == 1, f'expected named type' entrypoint, item = next(iter(flat_values.items())) return { 'entrypoint': entrypoint, 'value': item.to_micheline_value(mode=mode, lazy_diff=None), }
[docs] @classmethod def generate_pydoc(cls) -> str: definitions = [] # type: ignore res = cls.args[0].generate_pydoc(definitions, cls.prim) if res != f'${cls.prim}': definitions.insert(0, (cls.prim, res)) return '\n'.join(f'${var}:\n\t{doc}\n' for var, doc in definitions)
[docs] @classmethod def from_micheline_value(cls, val_expr) -> 'ParameterSection': item = cls.args[0].from_micheline_value(val_expr) return cls(item)
[docs] @classmethod def from_python_object(cls, py_obj) -> 'ParameterSection': if isinstance(py_obj, str): entrypoint = py_obj py_obj = {entrypoint: Unit} else: if not isinstance(py_obj, dict) or len(py_obj) != 1: raise TypeError(f'expected dict with a single key, got {type(py_obj).__name__} `{py_obj}`') entrypoint = next(iter(py_obj)) if entrypoint == cls.root_name: item = cls.args[0].from_python_object(py_obj[entrypoint]) else: if not issubclass(cls.args[0], OrType): raise TypeError(f'Unexpected entrypoint `{entrypoint}`: parameter is not of sum type') _, key_to_path, _ = cls.args[0].get_type_layout(infer_names=True, entrypoints=True) if not key_to_path: raise TypeError('sum type has to be named (in the scope of PyTezos)') item = cls.args[0].from_python_object(wrap_or(py_obj[entrypoint], key_to_path[entrypoint])) return cls(item)
[docs] def to_micheline_value(self, mode='readable', lazy_diff=None): return self.item.to_micheline_value(mode=mode, lazy_diff=None)
[docs] def to_python_object(self, try_unpack=False, lazy_diff=None) -> dict: py_obj = self.item.to_python_object( try_unpack=try_unpack, lazy_diff=None, ) if issubclass(self.args[0], OrType): return py_obj else: return {self.root_name: py_obj}
[docs] def merge_lazy_diff(self, lazy_diff: List[dict]) -> 'ParameterSection': item = self.item.merge_lazy_diff(lazy_diff) return type(self)(item)
[docs] def attach_context(self, context: AbstractContext): self.item.attach_context(context, big_map_copy=True)
[docs] def aggregate_lazy_diff(self, mode='readable') -> List[dict]: lazy_diff = [] # type: ignore self.item.aggregate_lazy_diff(lazy_diff, mode=mode) return lazy_diff
def __getitem__(self, key): assert hasattr(self.item, '__getitem__'), f'index access is not implemented for {self.item.prim}' return self.item[key]