from typing import Union
import base58
tb = bytes
base58_encodings = [
# Encoded | Decoded |
# prefix | len | prefix | len | Data type
(b"B", 51, tb([1, 52]), 32, "block hash"),
(b"o", 51, tb([5, 116]), 32, "operation hash"),
(b"Lo", 52, tb([133, 233]), 32, "operation list hash"),
(b"LLo", 53, tb([29, 159, 109]), 32, "operation list list hash"),
(b"P", 51, tb([2, 170]), 32, "protocol hash"),
(b"Co", 52, tb([79, 199]), 32, "context hash"),
(b"tz1", 36, tb([6, 161, 159]), 20, "ed25519 public key hash"),
(b"tz2", 36, tb([6, 161, 161]), 20, "secp256k1 public key hash"),
(b"tz3", 36, tb([6, 161, 164]), 20, "p256 public key hash"),
(b"tz4", 36, tb([6, 161, 16]), 20, "BLS-MinPk"),
(b"KT1", 36, tb([2, 90, 121]), 20, "originated address"),
(b"txr1", 37, tb([1, 128, 120, 31]), 20, "tx_rollup_l2_address"),
(b"sr1", 36, tb([6, 124, 117]), 20, "originated smart rollup address"),
(b"src1", 54, tb([17, 165, 134, 138]), 32, "smart rollup commitment hash"),
(b"srs1", 54, tb([17, 165, 235, 240]), 32, "smart rollup state hash"),
(b"id", 30, tb([153, 103]), 16, "cryptobox public key hash"),
(b'expr', 54, tb([13, 44, 64, 27]), 32, u'script expression'),
(b"edsk", 54, tb([13, 15, 58, 7]), 32, "ed25519 seed"),
(b"edpk", 54, tb([13, 15, 37, 217]), 32, "ed25519 public key"),
(b"spsk", 54, tb([17, 162, 224, 201]), 32, "secp256k1 secret key"),
(b"p2sk", 54, tb([16, 81, 238, 189]), 32, "p256 secret key"),
(b"edesk", 88, tb([7, 90, 60, 179, 41]), 56, "ed25519 encrypted seed"),
(b"spesk", 88, tb([9, 237, 241, 174, 150]), 56, "secp256k1 encrypted secret key"),
(b"p2esk", 88, tb([9, 48, 57, 115, 171]), 56, "p256_encrypted_secret_key"),
(b"sppk", 55, tb([3, 254, 226, 86]), 33, "secp256k1 public key"),
(b"p2pk", 55, tb([3, 178, 139, 127]), 33, "p256 public key"),
(b"SSp", 53, tb([38, 248, 136]), 33, "secp256k1 scalar"),
(b"GSp", 53, tb([5, 92, 0]), 33, "secp256k1 element"),
(b"edsk", 98, tb([43, 246, 78, 7]), 64, "ed25519 secret key"),
(b"edsig", 99, tb([9, 245, 205, 134, 18]), 64, "ed25519 signature"),
(b"spsig", 99, tb([13, 115, 101, 19, 63]), 64, "secp256k1 signature"),
(b"p2sig", 98, tb([54, 240, 44, 52]), 64, "p256 signature"),
(b"sig", 96, tb([4, 130, 43]), 64, "generic signature"),
(b'Net', 15, tb([87, 82, 0]), 4, "chain id"),
(b'nce', 53, tb([69, 220, 169]), 32, 'seed nonce hash'),
(b'btz1', 37, tb([1, 2, 49, 223]), 20, 'blinded public key hash'),
(b'vh', 52, tb([1, 106, 242]), 32, 'block_payload_hash'),
operation_tags = {
'endorsement': 0,
'seed_nonce_revelation': 1,
'double_endorsement_evidence': 2,
'double_baking_evidence': 3,
'account_activation': 4,
'proposals': 5,
'ballot': 6,
'reveal': 7,
'transaction': 8,
'origination': 9,
'delegation': 10,
def scrub_input(v: Union[str, bytes]) -> bytes:
if isinstance(v, bytes):
elif isinstance(v, str):
_ = int(v, 16)
except ValueError:
v = v.encode('ascii')
if v.startswith('0x'):
v = v[2:]
v = bytes.fromhex(v)
raise TypeError("a bytes-like object is required (also str), not '%s'" % type(v).__name__)
return v
[docs]def base58_decode(v: bytes) -> bytes:
"""Decode data using Base58 with checksum + validate binary prefix against known kinds and cut in the end.
:param v: Array of bytes (use string.encode())
:returns: bytes
prefix_len = next(
len(encoding[2]) for encoding in base58_encodings if len(v) == encoding[1] and v.startswith(encoding[0])
except StopIteration as e:
raise ValueError('Invalid encoding, prefix or length mismatch.') from e
return base58.b58decode_check(v)[prefix_len:]
[docs]def base58_encode(v: bytes, prefix: bytes) -> bytes:
"""Encode data using Base58 with checksum and add an according binary prefix in the end.
:param v: Array of bytes
:param prefix: Human-readable prefix (use b'') e.g. b'tz', b'KT', etc
:returns: bytes (use string.decode())
encoding = next(encoding for encoding in base58_encodings if len(v) == encoding[3] and prefix == encoding[0])
except StopIteration as e:
raise ValueError('Invalid encoding, prefix or length mismatch.') from e
return base58.b58encode_check(encoding[2] + v)
def _validate(v: Union[str, bytes], prefixes: list):
if isinstance(v, str):
v = v.encode()
v = scrub_input(v)
if any(map(v.startswith, prefixes)):
raise ValueError('Unknown prefix.')
[docs]def validate_pkh(v: Union[str, bytes]):
"""Ensure parameter is a public key hash (starts with b'tz1', b'tz2', b'tz3')
:param v: string or bytes
:raises ValueError: if parameter is not a public key hash
return _validate(v, prefixes=[b'tz1', b'tz2', b'tz3', b'tz4'])
[docs]def validate_l2_pkh(v: Union[str, bytes]):
"""Ensure parameter is a L2 public key hash (starts with b'txr1')
:param v: string or bytes
:raises ValueError: if parameter is not a public key hash
return _validate(v, prefixes=[b'txr1'])
[docs]def validate_sig(v: Union[str, bytes]):
"""Ensure parameter is a signature (starts with b'edsig', b'spsig', b'p2sig', b'sig')
:param v: string or bytes
:raises ValueError: if parameter is not a signature
return _validate(v, prefixes=[b'edsig', b'spsig', b'p2sig', b'sig'])
[docs]def is_pkh(v: Union[str, bytes]) -> bool:
"""Check if value is a public key hash."""
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return False
return True
[docs]def is_l2_pkh(v: Union[str, bytes]) -> bool:
"""Check if value is an L2 public key hash."""
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return False
return True
[docs]def is_sig(v: Union[str, bytes]) -> bool:
"""Check if value is a signature."""
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return False
return True
[docs]def is_bh(v: Union[str, bytes]) -> bool:
"""Check if value is a block hash."""
_validate(v, prefixes=[b'B'])
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return False
return True
[docs]def is_ogh(v) -> bool:
"""Check if value is an operation group hash."""
_validate(v, prefixes=[b'o'])
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return False
return True
[docs]def is_kt(v: Union[str, bytes]) -> bool:
"""Check if value is a KT address."""
_validate(v, prefixes=[b'KT1'])
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return False
return True
[docs]def is_sr(v: Union[str, bytes]) -> bool:
"""Check if value is a smart rollup address."""
_validate(v, prefixes=[b'sr1'])
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return False
return True
[docs]def is_public_key(v: Union[str, bytes]) -> bool:
"""Check if value is a public key."""
_validate(v, prefixes=[b"edsk", b"edpk", b"spsk", b"p2sk", b"sppk", b"p2pk"])
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return False
return True
[docs]def is_chain_id(v: Union[str, bytes]) -> bool:
"""Check if value is a chain id."""
_validate(v, prefixes=[b'Net'])
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return False
return True
[docs]def is_address(v: Union[str, bytes]) -> bool:
"""Check if value is a tz/KT address"""
if isinstance(v, bytes):
v = v.decode()
address = v.split('%')[0]
return is_kt(address) or is_pkh(address) or is_sr(address)
[docs]def is_txr_address(v: Union[str, bytes]) -> bool:
"""Check if value is a txr1 address"""
if isinstance(v, bytes):
v = v.decode()
address = v.split('%')[0]
return is_l2_pkh(address)