Source code for pytezos.client

import logging
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union

from pytezos.block.header import BlockHeader
from pytezos.context.mixin import ContextMixin
from import ContractCall
from pytezos.contract.interface import ContractInterface
from pytezos.crypto.key import Key
from pytezos.jupyter import get_class_docstring
from pytezos.jupyter import is_interactive
from pytezos.logging import logger
from pytezos.operation.content import ContentMixin
from import OperationGroup
from pytezos.rpc import ShellQuery
from pytezos.sandbox.parameters import get_protocol_parameters

[docs]class PyTezosClient(ContextMixin, ContentMixin): """Entry point for a developer, start your script with: .. code-block:: python from pytezos import pytezos """ def __repr__(self): res = [ super().__repr__(), '\nHelpers', get_class_docstring(self.__class__), ] return '\n'.join(res)
[docs] def operation_group(self, protocol=None, branch=None, contents=None, signature=None) -> OperationGroup: """Create new operation group (multiple contents). You can leave all fields empty in order to create an empty operation group. :param protocol: Leave None for autocomplete, unless you know what you are doing :param branch: Leave None for autocomplete :param contents: List of operation contents (optional) :param signature: Can be set later :rtype: OperationGroup """ return OperationGroup( context=self._spawn_context(), protocol=protocol, branch=branch, contents=contents, signature=signature, )
[docs] def operation(self, content: dict) -> OperationGroup: """Create an operation group with single content. :param content: Operation body (depending on `kind`) :rtype: OperationGroup """ return OperationGroup(context=self._spawn_context(), contents=[content])
[docs] def bulk(self, *operations: Union[OperationGroup, ContractCall]) -> OperationGroup: """Batch multiple operations and contract calls in a single operation group :param operations: a tuple of operations or contract calls :rtype: OperationGroup """ contents = [] reset_fields = { 'pkh': '', 'source': '', 'delegate': '', 'counter': '0', 'secret': '', 'period': '0', 'public_key': '', 'fee': '0', 'gas_limit': '0', 'storage_limit': '0', } for opg in operations: if isinstance(opg, ContractCall): opg = opg.as_transaction() else: assert isinstance(opg, OperationGroup), f'expected OperationGroup or ContractCall, got {opg}' for content in opg.contents: contents.append({k: reset_fields.get(k, v) for k, v in content.items()}) return OperationGroup(context=self._spawn_context(), contents=contents)
[docs] def account(self, account_id=None) -> dict: """Shortcut for RPC contract request. :param account_id: tz/KT address, leave None to show info about current key """ address = account_id or self.key.public_key_hash() return[address]()
[docs] def balance(self) -> Decimal: """Get account balance. :return: amount in tez """ balance_str = self.account()['balance'] return (Decimal(balance_str) / 10**6).quantize(Decimal('0.000001'))
[docs] def now(self) -> int: """Timestamp of the latest block + block time (UTC).""" return self.context.get_now()
[docs] def contract(self, address) -> ContractInterface: """Get a high-level interface for a given smart contract id. :param address: KT address of a smart contract :rtype: ContractInterface """ return ContractInterface.from_context(self._spawn_context(address=address))
[docs] def using( self, shell: Optional[Union[ShellQuery, str]] = None, key: Optional[Union[Key, str, dict]] = None, mode: Optional[str] = None, ipfs_gateway: Optional[str] = None, ): """Change current RPC endpoint and account (private key). :param shell: one of 'mainnet', '***net', or RPC node uri, or instance of :class:`` :param key: base58 encoded key, path to the faucet file, faucet file itself, alias from tezos-client, or `Key` :param mode: whether to use `readable` or `optimized` encoding for parameters/storage/other :returns: A copy of current object with changes applied """ return PyTezosClient( context=self._spawn_context( shell=shell, key=key, mode=mode, ipfs_gateway=ipfs_gateway, ) )
@property def loglevel(self) -> int: return logger.level @loglevel.setter def loglevel(self, value: Union[str, int]) -> None: if is_interactive(): logging.getLogger().setLevel(value) logger.setLevel(value)
[docs] def activate_protocol(self, protocol_hash: str) -> BlockHeader: """Initiate user-activated upgrade (sandbox only) :param protocol_hash: Protocol hash :rtype: BlockHeader """ return BlockHeader.activate_protocol( protocol_hash=protocol_hash, parameters=get_protocol_parameters(protocol_hash), context=self.context, )
[docs] def bake_block(self, min_fee: int = 0) -> BlockHeader: """Create and inject new block with operations from mempool :param min_fee: filter operations by fee (default is 0) :rtype: BlockHeader """ return BlockHeader.bake_block( min_fee=min_fee, context=self.context, )
[docs] def sign_message(self, message: str, block: Union[str, int] = 'genesis') -> str: """Sign arbitrary message with guarantee that resulting operation won't be used onchain. :param message: Message to sign :param block: Specify block, defaults to genesis :returns: Base58-encoded signature (non-generic) """ return self.key.sign(self.failing_noop(message).message(block=block))
[docs] def check_message(self, message: str, public_key: str, signature: str, block: str = 'genesis') -> None: """Check message signature :param message: Signed operation :param public_key: Signer's public key :param signature: Message signature :param block: Specify block, defaults to genesis """ pk = Key.from_encoded_key(public_key) pk.verify( signature=signature, message=self.failing_noop(message).message(block=block), )
[docs] def wait( self, *operation_groups: OperationGroup, min_confirmations: int = 1, num_blocks_wait: int = 5, time_between_blocks: Optional[int] = None, prev_hash: Optional[str] = None, block_timeout: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[dict]: """Wait for multiple injected operations get enough confirmations :param min_confirmations: number of block injections to wait for before returning :param num_blocks_wait: number of blocks to wait for injection :param time_between_blocks: override the corresponding parameter from constants :param prev_hash: Current block hash (optional). If not set, current head is used. :param block_timeout: set block timeout (by default Pytezos will wait for a long time) """ if len(operation_groups) == 0: raise ValueError('At least one operation group has to be passed to the args') opg_hashes = [] for opg in operation_groups: if opg.opg_hash is None: raise ValueError('All operations must have hash assigned') opg_hashes.append(opg.opg_hash) return opg_hashes=opg_hashes, ttl=num_blocks_wait, min_confirmations=min_confirmations, current_block_hash=prev_hash, time_between_blocks=time_between_blocks, block_timeout=block_timeout, )
[docs] def sleep( self, num_blocks: int, time_between_blocks: Optional[int] = None, block_timeout: Optional[int] = None, ) -> List[str]: """Sleeps until a certain amount of blocks appended to the chain :param num_blocks: number of blocks to wait for :param time_between_blocks: override the corresponding parameter from constants :param block_timeout: set block timeout (by default Pytezos will wait for a long time) """ block_hash = return list( current_block_hash=block_hash, max_blocks=num_blocks, time_between_blocks=time_between_blocks, block_timeout=block_timeout, ) )